Matching Vintage Pieces to Ladies' Suits

Matching Vintage Pieces to Ladies' Suits

First, your suit. Then, the world.

Suits can give the impression of professionalism, grace and culture when worn correctly. As more and more women turn to wearing suits in the workplace, it is important to ensure the suits are styled correctly. The difference between a good fit and a perfect fit lies in the accessories. In this article, we will learn how to correctly match vintage pieces to ladies’ suits.

Matching Your Watch

Watches are the ultimate accessory. They give the impression that the wearer is refined, punctual and trustworthy. When the suit is a solid and conservative colour, like navy or black, the watch should be a classic design with a plain band, a style that many vintage watches follow. It is recommended that the watch be a light colour so as not to make the outfit too harsh.

If the suit is not navy or black but rather grey, pinstriped or red, it can be appropriate to go for a less conservative watch. Vintage watches like those made by Swarovski and Tiffany can add a touch of femininity to the suit that may otherwise be lacking.

Finding Your Jewellery

Suits can appear quite harsh without jewellery; however, it is important not to overdo it. Bracelets should be replaced by a watch, which leaves the possibility of earrings and a necklace.


Stay professional. Diamonds and pearls add grace, elegance and femininity. Going with a simple vintage design, like studs or drop earrings, shows class and style without appearing cluttered.


You can’t go wrong with a vintage string of pearls. Suits often come in neutral colours like navy and black, and pearls add light and sophistication. Avoid chunky necklaces as they can give a boxed appearance, and if you enjoy bright colours, take care and match them with the suit.

You’ll want to avoid anything too harsh as it is likely not suitable for the business environment, but some styles of colourful jewellery can tie in well with your shoes. If in doubt, stick with vintage. Vintage jewellery is often elegant, refined and sophisticated without being heavy-handed.


The maximum should be three altogether. This could be two on one hand and one on the other. If one is a statement ring, leave it at that. If the rings are dainty and vintage, feel free to go up to three. It’s important to ensure your hands don’t look cluttered and untidy. If you have a strong watch, necklace or earrings, limit the number of rings you wear. Balance is the key to a stylish look.

It Comes Down to the Shoes

Shoes are important. They can be the difference between a good day and a great day. Classic closed in black pumps work well with all suits, and you’ll be looking for a heel that is between 3 and 6cm high. If you aren’t a fan of the black, go for grey, nude or taupe. Shoes in shades of nude add a strong touch of refinement to a suit.

Contact the Vintage Experts

Suits, when accessorised correctly, can be a woman’s best friend. At Harrington & Co, we have a wide selection of accessories that can fit perfectly with your suit. If you would like to know more about our products, or if you would like to speak with a company representative, call us on 07 3891 3880 or visit our contact page.